Hello all, I tried searching the boards prior to making this post, but I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. I bought a porcupine puffer 4 days ago, and it still isn't eating. I saw posts where posters recommended fresh shrimp and peas, among some others. Tried shrimp and peas and puffer ignores it. I've also used a feeder stick with shrimp on it, and put it near the puffers mouth, but the puffer just ignores it. The puffer sees other fish feeding, but doesn't seem interested.
About 60% of the time the puffer is just sitting at the bottom of the tank or under live rock and not moving. The other 40% of the time the puffer is swimming up and down the tank as if its healthy.
Color wise it looks healthy. There is a little cloudiness in the eyes, but everything looks fine. The eyes look blue - which I thought was unusual. But it could be a reflection off the actinics.
The tank is a 90 Gallon tank. I know it's small for a puffer, but the puffer is only about 2 inches. I have a total of 7 fish in the tank, and the puffer isn't interested in hanging around the other fishes. When it swims, it likes to hang out in a corner of the tank, away from the other fish, and swim up and down.
My gut tells me that it's going to die in the next few days if it doesn't eat. Water conditions are all good. Any suggestions on what to do to make it eat?
About 60% of the time the puffer is just sitting at the bottom of the tank or under live rock and not moving. The other 40% of the time the puffer is swimming up and down the tank as if its healthy.
Color wise it looks healthy. There is a little cloudiness in the eyes, but everything looks fine. The eyes look blue - which I thought was unusual. But it could be a reflection off the actinics.
The tank is a 90 Gallon tank. I know it's small for a puffer, but the puffer is only about 2 inches. I have a total of 7 fish in the tank, and the puffer isn't interested in hanging around the other fishes. When it swims, it likes to hang out in a corner of the tank, away from the other fish, and swim up and down.
My gut tells me that it's going to die in the next few days if it doesn't eat. Water conditions are all good. Any suggestions on what to do to make it eat?