porcupine puffer problem



what do you feed a porcupine puffer? Mine used to eat shrimp on the end of a stick now he seems to try and or act like he is trying to vomit if he does eat a hunk of shrimp. He wants food but doesnt seem to be able to chew it and swallow it . His teeth arent overgrown but he is getting really skinny . I fear he will starve to death. He won''t eat !
any suggestions or similar experiences???


Active Member
Puffers should be fed a variety of meaty foods, as well as some greens in their diet. I would recommend giving your puffer krill, prawn, mysis shrimp, clam, mussel, squid, and then maybe some kelp or seaweed. The best thing is to provide a variety.
Can you give us your water levels please? We need your exact pH, kH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, salinity, and temp?
How long have you had this fish?
What is in the tank with him?


New Member
If you fed him shrimp for awhile, then he might be sick of it. You have to feed them a variety of food. If he doesnt like one, try another, and try until you find the right diet. Also check your water parameters, make sure everything is normal. I feed my puffer formula one, mysis, brine, clams, mussels, silversides, krill, and maybe twice a year if possible I restock the tank with hermits, keeping half in my sump/ref. Keep in mind I don't feed them all this in one day. Since hes getting skinny try soaking the food in a garlic/vitamin formula if possible.


Active Member
I can just about guarantee he will eat the krill, also try some whole cochle (spelling?)
The guys are correct, feed him some different foods.
I feed my puffers krill, marine cuisine, whole cochle, mysis, etc.


Active Member
i always fed my puffer and other aggressive fish a variety of raw meaty foods never use cooked, such as krill(frozen not freeze dried) shrimp ,crab legs squid,silver slides ,scallops,sw variety if boneless fish fellets cut into small chunks,if you can find octopus its also good. be sure anything you feed them is thawed in fw then rinsed(this will eeliminate any paresites that the food may harbor(grocery store seafoods are not meant to be consumed raw they are meant to be cooked to eliminate this problem.and are not cleaned well enough to be considered paresite free before cooking.


Not sure if I read the length of time you've had your puffer, but internal parasites could be the cause as well. Not food related just parasites.


I have a similar problem, mine won't eat for weeks. When he decides to eat, just eats krill, he's like 5 inches, big mouth, takes it but then keeps spitting out pieces. With his size he could swallow 2 at a time