porcupine puffer question


i was set on getting a porcupine puffer but the book i just read said that they're nocturnal and ,therefor, hide most of the day & that you should be prepared to treat bouts of ich. is this true?


Active Member
I have never heard either of these things associated with puffers.All marine fish should be quarantined though..then you won't be troubled with problems like ich.


great! i already bought a setup to serve as a quarantine. This book just made it sound like reoccuring ich was the norm with them. i didn't want a hider either since i'm going to stock with a very low number of fish this time. books vary so much from one to another though. i'd rather trust responses on here with people that actually keep & have experience with fish.


New Member
I have had my porcupine puffer since he was tiny. It's been about 10 months and I haven't had any problems with ich or with him hiding away. Some days, he will spend a lot of time in the live rock, but whenever I get home, he comes out to see what's going on. He also like to chase my cat's paw when it plays with the glass. I'm really new to the saltwater fish community and the porcupine puffer was a great way to start. Let me know how it goes if you end up getting one!