porcupine puffer yellow fins not eating


New Member
I have had this puffer for about 3 months and until now he has had no problems now he seems to be breathing heavy and his fins look like they have turned yellow. I have tested my water and I have had aquarium stores test the water and everyone comes up with the same results. The amonia is at 0 the nitrite is 0 ph is 8.0 to 8.2 and the nitrate is around 20. We have also tested the oxygen levels and they are vey good along with salinity level. This same tank has had a number of fish go though the same symptoms and die especially the breathing heavy. Is there anything I can do to save my puffer?


New Member
It has only been 1 day since he has eaten but he has never passed on eating before. No I haven't tried live food yet.


Staff member
How do you have your tank setup? Give some details about your tank, fish in it, etc.


New Member
I have a 85 gallon aquarium with about 30 pounds of rock and living sand. I have two eclipse hoods. Which I have found isn't the best for a saltwater aquarium. I now have 2 damsels a red knot starfish a land mine sea urchin 2 cleaner shrimp. Some of the other fish that died yesterday were a coral beauty a gold headed goby and 2 clowns. Unfortunatly my puffer also just died. I just added two power heads which I was told would add more oxygen to the tank with a better current. The aquarium store said they think that is one of the main problems with eclipse hoods and the bottom of the tank isn't getting enough oxygen. If you have any helpful tips please let me know. I am considering buying a skimmer also if that will help.