Porcupine Puffer ???


New Member
I just bought a Porcupine Puffer for my tank. I followed the acclimation procedure to a T and I feed him yesturday. I have noticed today that he spends most of his time laying at the bottom of the tank. I would say he is breathing normal. He was very active the first day in the tank. I'm a little worried about him. Does anyone know if this normal for a puffer to spend most of his time laying on the bottom?
ph 8.0, Alk normal, Ammonia 0, NO2 0, NO3 10ppm, and Phosphate 1.0 ( I have started to use RO unit to reduce the phosphate and 10% water changes as of this week)
75 Gallon Tank
Crushed Coral
Undergravel filter
2 450 PH
20 LR
3 Clowels
10 Turbo Snails
1 Shrimp
1 Powder Blue
1 Haddoni Carpet
1 Ricorddia Cluster

randy 12

When I had one, he did lay on the bottom for several weeks and didn't even come up to eat for nearly that entire time. After that he would just hover at the end of the tank, rubbing his lips along the glass everytime I walked by (waiting for food). Pretty neat fish. I really enjoyed him. A friend has him now and he's much happier in a bigger tank.


Puffers act weird. It's in their nature. As long as he's active, and is not showing symptoms of disease, he should be ok.


i have had 2 porcupine puffers...one i have now. But neither of them layed around alot. The first one i lost to Ick but even then he moved about all the time. I dont know about them laying around all the time. From my experience they are active.....mine dont even lay around when the lights are off. He just floats/swim around and bumps into things.


mine never stops moving unless he is watching a potential meal moving in the distance. even at night you can look into the tank and he is still moving around. I would just keep a close eye on him to make sure nothing else comes up with him.
when he starts to get active offer him foods but he will eat all that is offered to him so dont over feed it can cause his death.aslo watch your water quality with the messy eater and your substrate and Ug filter you might have a battle for water quality on your hands./
My puffer sleeps all day. Except when there is food. But is very active at night. I have read that they are nocturnal.
Sarah :)

sunken ship

I used to have a fat little porky. He would sleep on the bottom from time to time during the day, it is perfectly normal. I gave him to my bro when I moved out. I agree with just watching for any symptoms of disease.
It was pretty cool, when i was scuba diving in San Carlos, Mexico I saw a porcupine puffer about the size of my head just swimming along the ocean floor, quite a sight.


New Member
The puffer as of now is allot more active than what he use to be. I have been keeping an eye him and he is moving around more. He kind of reminds me of a cat in how he just will sit on rocks or plants and watch everything in the tank. He has been eating regularly. Thanks for everyone advice.


Active Member
I have 2 porcs in different tanks. The 1st one I got just lays around most of the day, but close to feeding time, and at night he is very active. The other puffer I have no idea when he sleeps. He's out most of the day, and at night as well. They are all different I suppose.
When I was diving in Hawaii I never saw a porc out durring the daytime. I did spot one in a cave durring the day, and he was huge. When I went diving at night they seemed to be everywhere.