Porcupine ??


Can i have a porcupine and just a porcupine in a 35 gallan and since they are messy eater what can i add to clean up the mess


Active Member
no.... they need a 90 gallon tank seeing how they get 1'8"... You tecnicaly get one when they are small and keep him for a bit. But they grow pretty fast and in my opinion, that owuld be very irresponsible to just take him back to the fish store when he gets too big.


from experience, i had one (with 2 other smallish fish)in a 65 and It wasn't enough for him.


New Member
when i took down my aggressive fish tank i sent my porcupine puffer about 2 inches long to my mom and set him up in a 10 gal salt water tank just him and a hermit crab to big for him to eat he has been there for over a year and is doing better now then he was in my 165 gal tank. he eats live feeder fish and the crab eats what he drops off the bottom of the tank he is the simpliest salt water fish but he will eat anything small enough we went threw a few blue legged hermits before we found out he would eat shell and all the hermit he is in with is about 4 inches long and is also doing very well


don't bother they grow so quickly that before you know it u'll have to get rid of it. not worth it for you and for the fishes well being. try a toby, those would be the only puffers i would get for that size tank and they can be in there for life.