Porcupins Puffers...

puff daddy

New Member
I have a porcupine puffer that is about 8 inches long and was thinking on getting another but wasnt sure if i could put a small one who is around 3 inches long in the same tank ... 36 bow front.. Anyone???

tang lover

I don't think that is a good idea. Because aggressive fish are meaner to smaller fish. Unless you want the bigger puffer to eat the smaller one. (

puff daddy

New Member
ok i did leave out one small detail he has a small blue devil damsel living in the tank with him who he doesnt bother. I can throw feeder goldfish in and he will eat them.


Originally Posted by Puff Daddy
I have a porcupine puffer that is about 8 inches long and was thinking on getting another but wasnt sure if i could put a small one who is around 3 inches long in the same tank ... 36 bow front.. Anyone???
OMG. WOW. That is almost a nano cube and u have an 8 inch puffer? Wow. You need to upgrade big time no questions asked

puff daddy

New Member
okay my wife says he is only 5 inches if that... and no the damsel was added later... way later./.. we do have a 55g tank but do not have it set up yet.


i hope you know that you have one of the biggest puffers you can buy on the market today and will need at least a 125 or larger

puff daddy

New Member
i have a 55 to move him to and also will be moving him to a 125 this summer when i get my 180 set up. But no i thought the size was fine for him. The guy at the lfs said he would be fine and i am very new to this... So THANKS for your advise. Just how big will he get? he is about 2 years old now i think or close. how long will he live?


Active Member
They grow to about 18". I don't think anyone of us has been in this hobby long enough to really say how long they will live.With good care and proper tank size...probably a good long time.I have only known people who have kept fish in the ten year range.