Porky Puffer Eyes


I have had my porky puffer for two weeks and today his left eye appears to be cloudy and is no longer symetrical. Also, the blue in the right eye has pretty much disappeared. He is eating well. He appears to be happy and is swimming around. I had my water tested a few days ago and they said it was fine. Any advice?


Staff member
That sounds like an eye infection. Post up your water readings. Do a small water change, and add freshly mince garlic juice to the puffer's meaty diet 3x a day for the next week.
Do you have a quarantine tank?


My puffer died.
I was using the garlic with the food. I also just purchased the Melafix. I will probably go ahead and still put it in my tank. Thanks anyway.


Staff member
Don't put that in your tank. It is worthless.
Also, were you using freshly minced garlic, or garlic from a bottle?


From the bottle, garlic guard. I tested my water and this is what I found:
Ammonia 0
NO2 .25
N03 20
PH 7.8
I am new to my 72 gal tank. I had a 12 gal before with a blue hippo tang, small spotted puffer, cromus and a cleaner srimp. My blue out grew it and so we decided to upgrade. Our 12 gal was really stable. We never had to test the water. Testing is still new to me. We were told that bigger tanks tend to be more stable. Any advice.
We do not have a hospital tank.


Staff member
Do some water changes to get that nitrite down. Why do you have nitrite? How new is the 72?