porky puffer w/ non aggressive fish


i think porky rarely bothers other fishes unless they are considerably smaller than him.......there should be no problem


Active Member
Yea, but one thing to look out for. Make sure that they do not have any frilly fins, or flowing fins, long pectorals, etc. Those look PRETTY tasty to a porky wen hes hungry. You just might wake up to see a fin missing, or a nicechunk taken out of yer beautiful tangs fins. Watch out for that. Other than that, if u keep it well fed, u shouldn't encounter any problems. Porks are like some of the coolest fish out there, at a very affordable price. Tell us wat fish itll be going in with first.


I have a pork with a lion, been going on a couple years, no agression. I believe it's based on the individual puffer.


im thinking medium size fish that the porky wont even get to like a flame angle, maybe a clownfish, a royal gramma, just to add life and color to my tank.
plus my porky puffer is never interested at whats going on in the tank, only interested in me and feeding times haha


porky generally do not bother hermit crabs and snails when they are small or even when they become big, buy they would gladly eat any crustaceans like shrimps...or the ones without any protection.......this includes starfish, too.


I have a porc with my fish and have not yet seen any fighting. The only thing is that I had one realy small clown about a 1/2 inch long and he has been mia for about a wk now I think the puffer had a little mid night snack but besides that all the other fish are doing fine. Porcs are very interesting to watch and are a great addition to any tank. Hope you decide to get one, We love ours.
PS: hope you don't have any Yellow tangs in your tank, Cause mine is so stressed out now that we put the porc in the tank with the rest of the community... good luck, they dont mess with any of my hermit crabs either......


porky's are great i've got him and a dogface in with a few damsles a niger trigger and a yellow tang, perc, and a few really small hermit crabs and no problems what so ever in fact my dogface and porky usually swim around looking for me or hang out on the bottom just being lazy great "pets"