Porky Puffer

Ok so I got this Porky Puffer last night, acclimated him for about 3 hours. He is doing great, he just swims up and down the back of the tank looking at himself in the glass... I feed Brine Shrimp last night, this morning, and tonight, my clowns go crazy for it, since they usally only get flakes... The puffer just swims around and doesnt even pay attention to the food... My LFS said that is what they would feed him, and they had him for a week and he would eat!!!!! I even went in throughout the week to see him and he was doing good! My question is how long before they eat when moved him home? And how long before they start knowing you, and coming upo to see you? He just stays at the back swimming around mainly in one corrner!


Active Member
you need to feed him something bigger. krill is good, or if you want to see him eat live stuff feed him some guppies but i wouldn't make a habit out of it because they're freshwater fish. anything meaty will work, squid, silversides, etc. and from my experience my puffer would usually hide unless it was feeding time, then he was all over. at least until the food was gone....


Active Member
My porky ate about 3 days after i got him. He LOVED krill. He rerrally wasn't in to the frozen foods. If he doesn't eat in a week then I would get worried. Porkys are nocturnal. SO during the day they just lay on the bottom of the tank resting. Once my porky started to eat, he could recognize me. He would swim up to the tank every time I came over. Due to the fact that he thought he was getting feed. I used to stick my finger in the tank, and he would rub against me like a dog. (No it didn't poke me, and they are only poisonous if you eat it). So once your fish starts eating it will start to pay attention to you when you come over to the tank.
Cool! He is eating now, he only eats after it is at the bottom and i walk away from the tank... Also he only swims at the back of the tank, hardly comes to the front of the tank at all! He is so cool but I dont ever get to see his cute face!!!! Is there anything I should do to get him use to me and stuff?


New Member
I had a problem with my porky too.
he wouldnt eat the krill that the fish store said they fed. he loved feeder gold fish. I knew that couldnt be all that good for him so while out grocery
shopping I found frozen fresh shrimp on sale for get this 4.99 a lb. he loves them and I save about 15.00 per lb when you find out that the fish store sells krill at 12.00 to 16.00 per 8 oz.
now a different problem my porky is getting covered in tiny white dots and I havent added or changed anything with his tank. please help me save my little fat buddy. by the way I havent fed feeder fish In about 3 months so I dont beleave that I brought anything to the tank like ick.



Originally posted by Master33
try bloodworms, he'll go nuts for them, like fish spaghetti:)

I might be wrong, but aren't bloodworms more for freshwater fish than saltwater?