Porky Puffer


New Member
Ok. LFS had no ghost shrimp, so we got live brine shrimp and small feeder fish.
Put brine shrimp in and all the fish were eating like it was no tomorrow and then puffer came out and eat. Then put feeder fish in and puffer looked and saw new food, but luna wraspe ate all feeder fish. Puffer is out and swimming, will feed tomorrow live brine shrimp and see how puffer is doing. So far so good. Let's see what happens next feeding.
Thanks. Will put pictures of new tank after new humma Picaso trigger and clown fish.


glad to hear you got him to eat, the brine do good but theyre kinda small. it only takes a few ghost shrimp to appease the porky


Active Member
If you're still having problems put some krill on a feeding prong and shove it in his face until he gets mad and bites at it. He should go for it eventually.


I've been feeding him clams on the half shell and freeze dried krill. Will eat right out of my hand, always hungry but seems to be very pickie about what he eats. Going to try some ghost shrimp myself. Love this website!!!


New Member
Puffer eats live brine shrimp and that is it. Puffer sits on bottom moves 1/2 way up the tank sometimes. Puffer now has moved gravel and sits in the hole.
Last puffer eat out of my hands. This puffer should be in counseling. boring. Might get rid of puffer if things don't change.
Any ideas?