Port Jackson floating question


New Member
I have a port Jackson about 12 inches. I think he has air trapped in him because is side looks inflated and he keeps floating to the top against his will. This happened a few days ago and he was fine a few hours later. this time it has been 2 days. I try to rub his belly but he doesn't seem to like it. he seems to be getting stressed because he can't stay down.
Thanks in advance


New Member
240 gallon tank long. Only 2 other fish in the tank. He is eating squid right out of my hand. He still has a healthy appettite. The LFS that I got him from told me sometimes he gets air bubbles and just rub it out of him or eventually he will get it out of him. It has been over 3 days now and I think it is starting to freak him out that he can't stay down without his tail end start floating up to the top.


I had a undulated trigger that did the same thing. I think its air in its swim bladder which wasnt released. Does the shark have any thing to hide under? Mine went under a rock and in 2 days he was fine. Good luck


Port Jackson Sharks usually live in rocky environments on, or near, the bottom. Sometimes they are found in muddy and sandy areas, or where seagrass occurs. Their diet usually consists of sea urchins, molluscs, crustaceans and fish.
They forage for their food at night when their prey are most active, and often use caves and rocky outcrops as protection during the day.


New Member
"Port Jackson Sharks usually live in rocky environments on, or near, the bottom. Sometimes they are found in muddy and sandy areas, or where seagrass occurs. Their diet usually consists of sea urchins, molluscs, crustaceans and fish.
They forage for their food at night when their prey are most active, and often use caves and rocky outcrops as protection during the day."
I can cut and paste also. i need to know why he is floating.


Active Member
Ok We need to know water perameters of your tank are, everything . not just water is good. how long have you had it how long has it been eatting squid how do you prepare the squid . what other fish are with it. how is your tank set up. what was the tank at the local store set up like? what was LFS water perameters like?


Originally Posted by jraven
"Port Jackson Sharks usually live in rocky environments on, or near, the bottom. Sometimes they are found in muddy and sandy areas, or where seagrass occurs. Their diet usually consists of sea urchins, molluscs, crustaceans and fish.
They forage for their food at night when their prey are most active, and often use caves and rocky outcrops as protection during the day."
I can cut and paste also. i need to know why he is floating.
The point wasn't cut & paste...The point was YOU' RE NOT DOING IT!! That is how the air got & and will continue to do so......


New Member
The point wasn't cut & paste...The point was YOU' RE NOT DOING IT!! That is how the air got & and will continue to do so......
Did I ever say I didn't have rocks to hide under? Unlike most people I did my research before buying him. I have over 100lbs of live rock carefully designed to create hiding places.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jraven
Never mind. Air bubble came out. He is back to normal.
Shark Fart...