

I am sure it is just luck, but this little guy comes out and sits on that rock every time I start taking pictures.


I'm always looking through a magnifying glass, trying to spot anything new and quess who is always blocking my view?
Yup, at least one of my two neon blue gobys will be following me around, getting in my way. Really messes up my eyes when I'm focused on something 6 inches away and all of a sudden I've got a blue eye looking back at me

When I first saw my two neon gobys in the plastic bag, I regretted buying them because I thought I'd never see them in the 125g tank. HAH! They are constantly bouncing from rock to rock while chasing each other or chasing food. It's great to see one of them with a large piece of flake food in its mouth, just swimming around with it.
They are definitely a most entertaining fish :)


Every time I put my arm in the tank, one of my gobies always sits on it. I think it is the same little guy that poses for the pic. They are mean little guys, my two gobies bit each other up all the time.


Mine are almost always chasing each other from rock to rock but it doesn't appear to be aggressive in nature. When they finally decide to rest, it is usually side by side.
How many do you have? I just have the two blues. My original order was for 2 blue and 2 gold but the gold never showed up. Now I'm hesitant to re-order them in case they fight with the blues. The blues seem to be comfortable everywhere in the tank and it makes me wonder if 6' of space wouldn't be enough for four of them :)


I have two of them. I think four of them might be too much. It is a big tank, but they will find each other. How much harm can they really do to each other? They are so small. I usually associate a fish size with personality. The bigger the fish, the funner it is. I was wrong and these little guys proved it. I will try to get a pic of one of my hiding in a hole in a rock. It is really cute.


The only time that I've ever seen mine "hidden" was when one of them decided to move into the holes on the top of my powerhead. It was cute to watch him with just his head sticking out.

Sometimes, one would be inside and the other would dart in one hole and the other would come shooting out the other. Constant game of tag.
I finally plugged the holes in case one day I decided to clean the powerhead and he was inside.