Positioning the Powerhead

I just ordered one maxi-jet 900 for my 26 gal new fowlr tank. i have a powerfilter hanging on the back wall towards the left side. where should i place the powerhead in the tank for best results? at what depth? my tank is approx 12 deep by 24 across by 20 high. thanks - eddie


Depends on your rockwork. The idea is to keep the water moving so you don't have any dead spots. You may want to add another one and have one on each side of the tank.


Active Member
I have two powerheads in my tank. I think that a single 900 will be ok . . . . not the best, but it will do the job. Put it in the opposite corner from the powerfilter and have it blow across the tank at a diagonal. This will make the most out of yor water flow. But as previously stated it does depend on where your rocks are placed. I think a better scenario would be to use two smaller ph's such as the 600 or 400 and place them perpendicular to one another.