poss. silicone poison


New Member
Has anyone experienced silicone stunting coralline algae
growth. i've built a sump for my 200g and relocated
the unit into the basement, about 6 months ago. The
tank is young (10 months) and cycled 2 months before
i relocated the sump, ever since all inverts were dieing
and had to be relocated into my hospital tank, fish are
doing fine. i still have algae growth and a few blueleg
hermits. I had a LFS test the water, his result was trace
copper. I installed a kentRO/DI, and replaced two brass
check valves w/PVC since. I took care of the copper w/
no luck. if i take an anemones from hospital tank
it will die in less than an hour, but does fine in hospital
tank using same water i use for waterchanges.
LFS found nothing in the water, and my test kits
are saying everything's fine.
I have to find out what is causing this, i can give
a break down of my system. if it will help


So many possibilities :( Personally I think if it were happening in my tank I'd take a water sample to a professional water analysis company (yellow pages under water analysis, at least here) and have them run a *COMPLETE* water analysis for you. It'll run $25 - $50 bucks but should reveal the source of your problems.
Just what I'd do, good luck, I can imagine how you're feeling :(


Did you buy the tank used? and what kinda silicone did you use for the sump when you built it?


New Member
I will send a watersample for professional testing, i was
wondering if someone ran into a problem like this. I've had
freshwater aquariums for years and was interested in salt.
A friend sold me the 200g setup cheap and it fit into my decor.
I've updated the base and hood, added mh,vho lighting, and
replumbed the overflow and returns taking great care as to
not poison anything, but i'm alittle disappointed, not to get
out of the hobby, just looking at the tanks on this site makes
me want to know the deal, and correct it so I can join you
in the enjoyment of our hobby.
I have 6 anenomes and a few small coral frags that
have been living in a 15g hospital tank for 3 months
I'd love to put them in the display tank but they will
die in less than 15 minutes. I use the same water
when changing, so i know it's in the display tank.
carbon, and protein skimming cannot remove the problem
even 50% water changes w/ aged water does not help.
I send the water samples out and let you Know.