Possible 29g Stocklist


Active Member
I'll be starting my first saltwater soon and it will be a 29 gallon. I'm not quite sure what i want as far as fish, inverts, and some corals with special lighting. Please post ur suggestions.


For inverts I would get 5 Turbo snails and 5 Nassarius Snails, fish there are so many. Do some research and pick the ones you like. I would go two or three fish. With coral look at getting a good skimmer and T5 or MH. Hope this help some.


You could do about 4 small fish in that tank. Some suggestions, are pair of ocellaris clowns, sixline wrasse, yellow watchman goby.


Originally Posted by azul1994
You could do about 4 small fish in that tank. Some suggestions, are pair of ocellaris clowns, sixline wrasse, yellow watchman goby.
i do agree with azul1994 those are all beautiful fish!


I've been debating my stocklist for a similarly sized tank for months now. I think I would like
1) clown (ocellaris or percula)
2) royal gramma
3) sixline wrasse
4) greenbanded goby (not popular for some reason unknown to me)
They're just what I'm thinking about. As far as inverts I would also like to keep an arrow crab, a blood/fire shrimp, an urchin and then a few smaller things like hermits and snails. You can find a pic of some nice specimens of these species here. I'm a little worried its too much. Just noticed I didn't say much about the size of those fish, none of them should grow larger than 3 inches (the image sizes are not overly representative of the species sizes).


Originally Posted by hwttdz1
I've been debating my stocklist for a similarly sized tank for months now. I think I would like
1) clown (ocellaris or percula)
2) royal gramma
3) sixline wrasse
4) greenbanded goby (not popular for some reason unknown to me)
They're just what I'm thinking about. As far as inverts I would also like to keep an arrow crab, a blood/fire shrimp, an urchin and then a few smaller things like hermits and snails. You can find a pic of some nice specimens of these species here. I'm a little worried its too much. Just noticed I didn't say much about the size of those fish, none of them should grow larger than 3 inches (the image sizes are not overly representative of the species sizes).

That's a good list. You could actually get a pair of Clowns. Royal Grammas tend to be secretive - so consider a Pygmy Angel, like a Cherub or a Flameback.


Active Member
Got (5) in my 29 gallon bio-cube
Two clowns (Occi's)
Yellow Watchman Goby
Very small Lawnmower Blenny
Blue Assessor
I use filter cartridges, skimmer to keep water clean and up to chemical parameters. 32 lbs. live rock. 20 lbs. live sand. Asst'd hermits, snails, Cleaner and Peppermint shrimp, asst'd coral. 144 watts pc lighting. (Two 10k's, one actinic, one 5050).


Active Member
Thanks for info people!
Could this be a possible one?:
1 or 2 clown (porbably percs.)
1 royal gramma
1 small yellow tang
and 1 or 2 or some other fish


Active Member
I've got a 29g also. You can probably safelyget away with 4 smaller fish 5 if you include a clown goby.
I got spooked early with keeping pristine water conditions since 29 is considered a small tank and decided to keep my bioload down. Currently in my 29 I've got 2 false percs, 1 blood shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp, 8 astraea snails, 10 nassarius snails, and 12 mixed hermits.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
No tangs, but the rest looks fine.
my LFS says if i get a small one it would take years to grow the years to grow to full length. and i really trust them they very smart.


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
I've got a 29g also. You can probably safelyget away with 4 smaller fish 5 if you include a clown goby.
so ur saying if i get a clown goby it wont really count as a fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
my LFS says if i get a small one it would take years to grow the years to grow to full length. and i really trust them they very smart.
Not too smart. Tangs need tanks of 6' in length and over 100 gallons. Your LFS is just looking to sell the fish to you. I wouldnt trust them. Just about every tang gets to be like 7'' or more. not going to work in such a small tank. Even if its small a month wont even work for it. It will get stressed possibly get a disease and then die prematurely.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
so ur saying if i get a clown goby it wont really count as a fish?
Kinda it's so small and their bioload is neglegible IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Not too smart. Tangs need tanks of 6' in length and over 100 gallons. Your LFS is just looking to sell the fish to you. I wouldnt trust them. Just about every tang gets to be like 7'' or more. not going to work in such a small tank. Even if its small a month wont even work for it. It will get stressed possibly get a disease and then die prematurely.

no its a local one and ive been goin there for years i will buy my fish there anyway, ill ask again tho


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
Kinda it's so small and their bioload is neglegible IMO.
ya so it wouldnt really be a problem if my tank was full and i got one?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
ya so it wouldnt really be a problem if my tank was full and i got one?
Only if you have small fish. It really depends on the fish. For example, if you decide on 2 percs, 1 gramma, and 1 firefish then I think you could add the clown. Personally I think 3 fish in a 29 is perfect.


I would also stay away from getting a tang. Your tank is to small and will cause stress on the tang. They like to have a long tank to swin in. My lfs would not even sell me one for my 46 gallon. They told me I need at least a 6ft. long tank. I would just be careful, you don't want to hurt the fish.


the yellow tang may take a while to get big but in the mean time you will bond with the fish
but then you will have to get rid of it


Active Member
Originally Posted by SAMBASAM
the yellow tang may take a while to get big but in the mean time you will bond with the fish
but then you will have to get rid of it

no then i could put it in a bigger tank