Possible 29g Stocklist


Active Member
so how about this list?
- perc clown
- royal gramma
- sixline
- yellowtailed damsel (put in last)
Any more? any less?
Let me know! Thanks!


Active Member
I think it's a good list. Curious, why the damsel? If it's because of colors, I believe some damsels lose their color with time though I don't know if it can be slowed. Just fyi.


Active Member
my 29g is as follows (currently, additions soon)
1 Scooter Dragonet
1 Cherub Angel
1 Jawfish
1 Yellow Watchman
I'm waiting for a GOOD clown for it, i'm tired of teh generic looking ones i see all the time, i want one that stands out... but still is cheap... its takin a while ;)


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
I think it's a good list. Curious, why the damsel? If it's because of colors, I believe some damsels lose their color with time though I don't know if it can be slowed. Just fyi.
idk i just like them, the colors are amazing! and i never heard they lose their color


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
idk i just like them, the colors are amazing! and i never heard they lose their color
I dunno? I can't find where I read it therefore I can't be sure of the validity.


Active Member
so anyway is this a goodstock list?
1 more fish?
- perc clown
- royal gramma
- sixline
- yellowtailed damsel (put in last)


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
so anyway is this a goodstock list?
1 more fish?
- perc clown
- royal gramma
- sixline
- yellowtailed damsel (put in last)


Active Member
i think that is a good list. i would keep it at that i dont think i would add another. hope you dont want to ever remove the damsel i heard they are soooo hard to catch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jessica47421
i think that is a good list. i would keep it at that i dont think i would add another. hope you dont want to ever remove the damsel i heard they are soooo hard to catch.
Ya i no i've been reading about that. might not get a damsel


Active Member
Took out the damsel any suggestions on what to replwace it with?
here are other fish
- perc clown
- royal gramma
- sixline


Active Member
oh, i thought those were ones you wanted, my bad. i love my scooter dragonet, but won't suggest it, cuz i get flamed for doing such, personally i wish i had a Yasha Haze shrimpgoby, awesome looking fish. OH! a pygmy cherub angel, mine is awesome, got it right off this site, perfect fish. some say they nip at corals, but mine never has even looked at one.


Originally Posted by bjoe23
Took out the damsel any suggestions on what to replwace it with?
here are other fish
- perc clown
- royal gramma
- sixline

You might have problem between 6line and gramma. Both of them mean fishes. When i had my 29g i got gramma and 6line at the same time and next morning 6line had big bite mark on his tail. Grammas think they are 9" and bulletproof fish so you might need to take out one of them later on.
Small flasher or fairy wrasse would be better IMO. If you decide to change 6line to flasher or fairy, Gramma should go in last. Just suggestion


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bluemantr
You might have problem between 6line and gramma. Both of them mean fishes. When i had my 29g i got gramma and 6line at the same time and next morning 6line had big bite mark on his tail. Grammas think they are 9" and bulletproof fish so you might need to take out one of them later on.
Small flasher or fairy wrasse would be better IMO. If you decide to change 6line to flasher or fairy, Gramma should go in last. Just suggestion
so if i put gramma in last and sixline in first it should be ok?


if you want to get 6line and gramma i would put 6line before gramma. But you can still have some problems between them in 29g because 29g is small for 2 agrasive fishes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bluemantr
if you want to get 6line and gramma i would put 6line before gramma. But you can still have some problems between them in 29g because 29g is small for 2 agrasive fishes.
there not that aggressive


Active Member
Never had a problem with my sixline.....quite the peaceful fish....loved the activity it provided however, always busy around the rock work...
I hear Royal Gramma's can be a terror though.
I am looking at putting a pair of clowns in my 29...and that is about it...nothing else in the way of fish...will be some inverts and corals, but those will probably be the only two fish.
For your stocklist:
Shrimp gobies
Randall's Goby
Firefish (personally I like the purple one, but they are a little more expensive)
Clown Goby
Neon Goby
Jawfish (entertaining to watch...unfortunately they are jumpers, make sure you have a lid or some other cover, eggcrate, etc....I lost mine cause it jumped and I had no cover)
Lawnmower Blenny
Longnose Hawkfish (pretty cool)...don't have a swim bladder, so they tend to just swim long enough to find somewhere to perch
Plenty of small guys to choose from...just do some research and make sure they are compatible....
Personally, other than green chromis (because it is cool to see a school of them), I stay away from Damsels. Royal Gramma's are cool, I have never had any experiece with them, but have seen them returned several times at a LFS because they were rather nasty...Good luck...


i have over killed my 29 to the max
22" 250watt mh with 2 t-5 attinics
aqua c remora hang on protien skimmer
run a bag of carbon
60 lbs of lr
40lbs of live sand 4 tunze nano streams so about 2400gp
20gallon fuge
i keep only an sps dominated tank and its mature so i have huge colonies and never have lost any color in them.
fish i have
1 6 line wrasse
1 watchman goby
1 flame hawk
1 longnose hawk
1 fire fish
i over stock for the sps so they can have more food aka fish poo
params are perfect btw all stable