Possible Baby Cleaner Shrimp???

aqua blue

While quarantining my most recent additions, Cleaner Shrimp and Coral Beauty, I noticed many small "white specs" crawling on the glass of my QT tank.
My QT tank is a 10 gal. with PVC for cover and no substrate. I decided to quarantine the cleaner shrimp with the coral beauty to give it some company.
As the quarantine came to an end the number of "white specs" had diminished a lot. I figured that the coral beauty had eaten most of them.
Now that I have moved the cleaner shrimp and coral beauty to my main tank I am seeing more of these "white specs" crawling on the glass of the "empty" QT tank. Could these be baby cleaner shrimp? If so what are the chances of raising them? Any advice on feeding them?
Any other ideas on what these "white specs" could be? There are no signs of any "white specs" crawling on the glass of my main tank.

aqua blue

Thanks for the reply.
I am still new to this but could coepods be "transferred" from local fish store purchases of shrimp and fish? None of the water from the lfs was added to my QT tank. QT tank is bare bottomed, no substrate and only pvc for cover.
:) :confused:


it can be transfered by LR,Base rock ,sand,LS,filters,water ect anything that was in a established tank, but not through fish or shrimp that i know of. they can just grow out of no where in a tank with salt water over time...HTH