Originally Posted by ophiura
It is not to say you need to cut back so you are not feeding every day, but don't feed more than you need to. The overwhelming majority of people overfeed, I think it is safe to say. It is also not good to feed too "abnormally" if you will based on the behavior of the type of fish you are keeping. If you have certain fish - seahorses are the obvious example - that are nearly constantly eating, then you try and provide something similar.
Ophiura...please elaborate further on knowing when enough is enough. My fish beg each time I pass the tank as well, but I have restrained and not given in. But, as mentioned prior, when I noticed the aggression and hyperness after cutting back on the feedings, I bumped it back up to once a day. I still go by the "no more than can be consumed in 5 minute rule", but this usually means very little (or none) of the food is making it to the bottom for the inverts, which causes them to become more active and thus causing the inverts to be more aggressive towards one another. All of this, while trying not to over do it which causes a nasty skimmer, bristle worm overpopulation, dirty substrate, etc.