possible fish addition?


I am going to start off with my tank description because it is more of the limiting factor than the inhabitants.
I have a six gallon nano reef tank, with a 1.75 in live sand bed and about 10 pounds of live rock in it. Plus corals, snails,hermits, and a peppermint shrimp.
I currently have a tomato clown in the tank, which I know is risky, but I keep up with my weekly water changes and things are going quite well. My question is would the addition of a neon goby or a strawberry basselet be ok? All opinions are welcomed.
Thanks Shawn


depends how big the clown is, but i'd go for the neon goby. i've heard that some basselets can be fairly aggressive. I have a 7 gal with some snails, and anemone crab, a catalina goby, and a rainford goby - along with a few corals. i also had a red firefish in there until it vanishd (i think this evil crab that stowed away on some of my rock got him) - but everyting is doing fine.
I'd say as long as the clown's not too big, and all your levels are fine and everything looks happy, you can do the goby.
and good job taking care of the tank - those water changes can get to be a pain in the butt sometimes - lol

tidy waves

New Member
Tomato Clowns tend to become more aggressive with age especially towards peaceful tankmates. I think you would be asking for trouble adding either one in an aquarium that size.


The tomato clown I have is not the a very large. As far a tomato clowns go, the fish is still pretty small and it is also rather young. Just thought I'd add some info.