Possible Fish List-please Advise!


New Member
I have a 55 gallon tank with 58 pounds of LR. Here is what I am thinking for our fish:
Flame Angelfish
Blenny (of some sort)
Bi-Color Dottyback
Banggai Cardinal
Firefish Goby
Six Line Wrasse
Fiji Puffer
I am not sure how many of these will be comfortable in a 55 gallon so please let me know.
I realize this will take a while to eventually get all the fish in the tank but what do you think of the compatibility of these fish?


Active Member
I would have to agree in taking out the puffer part. I would add a little more live rock if you can. The rest sounds fine to me.... :happyfish


Active Member
I believe you need to add more live rock and lose the puffer.
By the way, how deep is your sand or coral bed?
Denise M.


New Member
I have about 1 1/2" of sand at the bottom. I have started asking several sources now before I do anything because I have received so much mixed info. The guy at the store said a fiji puffer is the only one I should get, but I would rather believe 4 people over 1. I will definitely add some more rock.
What bright yellow fish would you recommmend? One that will be decent size but not outgrow my tank, and of course be compatible.


Citron clown goby, if your willing to give up the flame angel you get a lemonpeel or a yellow angel. Thats all I know of, anyone else?


I would get rid of the dottyback and puffer if you really want a firefish. Also watch out for what kind of blenny you might want some have the habbit of biting fins.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rickyl2
I have about 1 1/2" of sand at the bottom. I have started asking several sources now before I do anything because I have received so much mixed info. The guy at the store said a fiji puffer is the only one I should get, but I would rather believe 4 people over 1. I will definitely add some more rock.
What bright yellow fish would you recommmend? One that will be decent size but not outgrow my tank, and of course be compatible.
I'd consider a lemonpeel or a small angel. I wouldn't do a yellow tang because you need at least a 75 gallon tank for them to be happy.
Denise M.