possible ich


So I just added a blue hippo tang to my tank without QT since I don't have one yet, and I noticed that he has what looks like grains of sand on him, I don't know how to tell if it is ich, or if it actually is sand since there is still a giid bit of sand floating around in the tank since I just changed the substrate from cc to ls a day ago. How do I tell the difference?>


Active Member
If it is white spots then its ich. Get im in a qt tank. Aslo why, do you have a tnag in a 29 gallon?


Since he has only been in my tank for a few hours, is it more likely that he got it at the store, or can it be contracted that quick? all of my other guys look fine. I am getting a 5 gallon tub with a heater and power head set up as a temp sort of hospital tank. It doesn't look like any of my other fish have it, I hope not anyway. I have a tang in a 29 gallon because that is the size tank I have and I wanted a tang. If you don't agree with what someone is doing, it would probably be best to just tell them that in a kind way and the reason why. Asking me why I have a tang in a 29 gallon just sounds snippy and isn't very helpful, which is the point of this board. I'm not trying to start any sort of hostile back and forth going here. I have seen you post quite a few other times where you were genuinely helpful. Dunno, maybe I just caught you at a bad moment. I do appreciate your reply.