possible shark disease


I have a baby bamboo shark and by his mouth he has a grey spot on his black stripe and it is the size of his eye. Then it has a lighter ring around that about double the size. Is it bad or is he grouing out of his color. He is 10 inches long and healthly fat. Gets feed everyday with little portions. What is wrong with him.


I just noticed it last night. HE is always hiding so i really never get to see him except when feeding and thats when i noticed it. He is eating fine. Doesnt show anyother signs of sickness just the one mark. No i dont have a pic. Sorry.


Active Member
What kind of substrate and what are the parameters. Please post numbers, not just "Oh, theyre fine" like everyone else seems to do.:D Kind of sounds like an infection at this point with no pics. What else is in the tank?


Active Member
Does it look like this...?
Just a scratch, slight infection, should heal rapidly if/when you get water params in line...
Also notice CC substrate...Too Course...Sand is much better...:yes:
"This is what you Should Not Do...":nope:


i was looking at it tonight and i have a wrasse and it looks like he tried to take a bite out of him. i have live sand and all of my water para meters are 0. The wrasse is the only fish in the tank that could have left a mark that big. I will let you know if it gets any better.


yea im going to take him back to the pet store today and trade him for something small and not agressive. Maybe just get my money back for him.


i took the wrasse back to the fish store today and he gave me a 15 dollar discount on the stuff i bought today. Now i dont have to worry about anything in the tank battling the shark for the food. Hopefully he will get huge so he doesnt look like a little baby in the tank. Thatks for the help everyone.