possible stocking of a 180...


New Member
hi. first of i would like to say that im new to this board. If keep a reef tank for a year and am interested in starting an aggresive tank. I wont be getting it for a little bit because im in the middle of a move, but hopefully this summer or later this year il get it. anywho, i was thinking this for a stocking list:
Humu Humu trigger
NIger Trigger
Hawaiin Black Trigger
Powder Blue tang
Blond Naso tang
Blue Face Angel
Emperor Angel
Zebra Moray Eel
Dragon wrasse
Is everything i listed compatible? Will it be overstocked? as i said im new to aggresive tanks so all/any help will be greatly appreciated :]

small triggers

Active Member
you will be fine for a few years if you start out with small fish. Other than them outgrowing the tank in say 2-5 years (depending on size when recieved) they should all be compatible. Also Nigers grow faster than the other 2 so it may outgrow the tank sooner. Other than that make sure you have ALOT of LR with caves and crevices for the triggers and so the tangs can graze. What are your plans for equipment?


New Member
im not really sure yet, still just tossing around ideas. how big of a tank would i need to be able to keep everything for life?

small triggers

Active Member
about 350-400 (thats what im planning for my new house) huge sump with a gigantic protein skimmer, phosban reactor,, and some other fun stuff Im gonna go fully automated
make it easier for myself... I have a 150 with a picasso, bluejaw, clown and niger trigger, a kole tang, 2 maroon clowns, a freckeled hawkfish and a foxface. My niger is growing at almost twice the rate of the other triggers (all received at about 1.5 inches long about 2 years ago)

small triggers

Active Member
keep in mind you chose fish that can grow over a foot long
so they need sufficient room to be able to turn around and actually swim.


New Member
hmm...from sites that ive read up on, all of those fish would be able to live there whole life happiy in a 180. Do alot of sites underestimate min. tank size or something?

small triggers

Active Member
well if you mean min. tank size PER fish a trigger by itself could be happy in a 180 for life, but not having to share space with anyone else, consider also you will have LR in there (I have mine in a staggered pattern in the middle-ish of my tank which would take up alot of room if my triggers were full grown) Most books and sites do estimate for a single fish, but not always for life. Most people dont keep a trigger for life for the fact they can live over 20 years (easily) and that they get HUGE just like some of the tangs,,


the niger and humu humu will be fine for life in a 180g. the blavk trigger with get up to 20 inches or so, the niger wil prb stay around 12-13 fully grown. humu's max out around 10". get a blue throat or red tail trigger they also max at around 10 inches


Active Member
It's a pretty cool stocklist, and I see no compatibility issues. I would put the 2 Angels in together, and the Naso in before the Powder Blue. It will eventually be a very full tank, but it will take a long time to get that way....How do you feel about an upgrad in about 4 years


New Member
i dont think it will be a problem to upgrade in the future. As long as i have a few years before i need to it should be okay. How much bigger would i have to go? If it isnt that much i could probably just start out with that instead of upgrading later. I havent bought the 180 yet so i could always look a little bigger


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mitch152
i dont think it will be a problem to upgrade in the future. As long as i have a few years before i need to it should be okay. How much bigger would i have to go? If it isnt that much i could probably just start out with that instead of upgrading later. I havent bought the 180 yet so i could always look a little bigger
With that stocklist I would go 96x30x24 (300 gallon) and IMO that would be good for life.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mitch152
i dont think it will be a problem to upgrade in the future. As long as i have a few years before i need to it should be okay. How much bigger would i have to go? If it isnt that much i could probably just start out with that instead of upgrading later. I havent bought the 180 yet so i could always look a little bigger
Do you already have the correct equipment to run the 180 or were you waiting until you bought the tank?
Are buying a new 180 or one you know that is in decent shape?


New Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Do you already have the correct equipment to run the 180 or were you waiting until you bought the tank?
Are buying a new 180 or one you know that is in decent shape?
I dont have any equipment for it yet, except a 55 that i was thinking about turning into a sump. so its not like its money down the drain to dicide to go bigger. as for buying the 180, i havent found a 180 yet, but i was planning on trying to find one on craigslist or something for cheap
Most picaso tiggers (humu humu) will only get 8-9 inches so like the other guy said your def. good there with it as long as you don't overstock. I would avoid a clown or black hawaiian trigger if you can, agression and size being my argument there. The emperor will get up to 16 inches so they say, but a 180 would work if the dimensions are right for it or at least for a very long time if purchased small. Most sites only recommend a 125 or so, but I honestly have not seen a 16 inch emperor or any much over 12 inches in captivity that was not in a huge public aquarium, maybe I should get out more! LOL!
If you read on here, swf.com and various other sites too, strictly prohibit putting two large angelfish together in the same tank unless it is a massive unit and then you are still cautioned! A 180 isn't at all massive for a emperor and such. I honestly never ran into the two large angel problem myself, but since these fish are not cheap, I thought I would put it out there anyways. Just look into please, they reportedly can fight to the death, etc. I also would introduce all my triggers at the same time, or close to it, and in similar sizes to avoid excess problems with aggression, etc. Just something I don't think anyone else might of mentioned.
I am planning on a 180 to 200 gallon in the next few years too! I am only going to have four or five fish so they will have alot of room. I want to also try and keep most of them for their full lifespans! Good luck and have fun!!!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mitch152
I dont have any equipment for it yet, except a 55 that i was thinking about turning into a sump. so its not like its money down the drain to dicide to go bigger. as for buying the 180, i havent found a 180 yet, but i was planning on trying to find one on craigslist or something for cheap

If you buy one Id go custom sizes vs on CL and build your own stand. Instead of a normal 180 Id get one from glass cages and turn it on its side. The fish will have more swimming room for turning around instead of up and down.
The 180's up my way on CL or few and far between and they want $500 + for one. Plan on spenmding a few grand to set this thing up unless you can find one that has everything for it as a package deal.

matt boyer

i got my 180 i few weeks ago for 300 on the list of craig good deals are out there just search the web daily good luck . i even post wanted ads i have been given tanks and got great deals like that as well.