Possible tank list unless......


New Member
unless someone tells me something different.
Here it goes
46g Bowfront
40lbs. Fiji Pink
15lbs. Live Rock so far
timely spaced apart, but eventually
2 percula clownfish
1 white sandsifting goby
1 pink firefish
1 pajama cardinal
1 threadfin butterfly or some other type
1 helmet cowfish/boxfish
Cleaning Crew-scarlett leg crabs, snails(nass,cerith,turbo), 1 fire shrimp (maybe), cleaner shrimp (maybe)
Tell me what you guys think, please dont hold back


Active Member
The butterfly and cowfish will be too large for the tank. Stick with small species. A dwarf angel would be a good fit, and not pose compatability issues.


As said, a Boxfish will not be a good choice. It will get stressed very quickly and release toxins, killing everything. Look into Watchman Gobies over the sandsifter. Sandsifters make a huge mess in the tank and don't allow a healthy live sand bed.


New Member
Thanks for the advice and I will defintitely keep it in mind when actually selecting my tankmates!