Possible to have reef w/ only NO lights?

david s

I agree with sammy lets see price of 3 corals $200 price of vho $200 If it was me i would buy lights first and not put the cart before the horse I have a 90 gal and have 600watts and really no corals to speak of just a few shrooms i got at a frag swap why because i am new and decided to buy lighting first and as my wallet recovers and my tank matures i will start getting some corals


Active Member
Dave. I have a 90 gallon reef. My lighting is 2-65 watt 10K power compacts, a 40W 10K flourecent, and a 40W actinic flourecent. I have mushrooms down low, and leathers midway. I also have a bright green bubble coral, and a huge colt coral. All my corals are doing great and they are thriving. I also have no algae problem. Granted I would not even try to keep hard coral or other intense light corals, but I have chose lower light corals because of easier maint due to the theory of lower light usually means less algae, along with the money issue. I love the power compacts. They produce lower heat so a chiller on my tank isn't needed. I also use the 10k's with just a little atinic to get the brightest effect I can with the lower light. 10K's have quite a bitt of blue in them already so lots of atinic is not needed.