Possible to NOT use an Overflow box?


I have a 350L (92ish gallon) corner tank from Juwel, that I am in the process of converting to a reef tank (was home to my Discus before). The problem is this: There is no hole drilled in the bottom and my internal filter box does not extend to the bottom of the tank, so it cannot be converted to an overflow. Also, I am not to thrilled about hanging on Overflow, because my trouble-making ferrets like to get behing anything they can.(Read: like to destroy anything they can). So, I wanted to keep it as close to the wall as possible. Is it possible to hard-plumb lines directly into a sump under the tank, and from there to the protein skimmer, Ca reactor, and O2 reactor? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks all! :D
I think Fluval makes an overflow for their filters. It does not hang on the tank, it is inside the tank I'll try and find a pic of it.
Fluval Surface Skimmer (Hagen)
Removes organic film on the water's surface & helps improve oxygen exchange. Comes with adapters so it will fit all Fluval filters.
Can't get the pic but can email you the site.
It looks as if it suction cups to the side of the aquarium and has a intake hose that connects to it.


Active Member
The fluval surface skimmer sucks. Trust me I had one a while back before I knew better. You can have the tank drilled and the overflow built into it for not much more than an external overflow costs.