

Do you think in a 55 gallon i would be able to have a porkypine pufr, a percula clown, and a Lion Fish in the same tank? And if not what fish with the percula and Porky can i get away with? Some help please?
Oh one last question"If i had Copper in my 15 high and removed all of the water would i still have copper on my heater and inside of my filter?
P.S. What i am doing is putting all of my corals in my 15 high tank not many but enough to put all in the 15 high!


Your substrate will be the main "sink" of the copper. This will leach out and reach an equilibrium everytime you change your water. Not a big deal unless you have fish sensitive to copper. IE Sharks, rays...Lions might be sensitive (not sure)
That percula will be one rather expensive dinner if you put it with a Lion. Once they can fit something in their mouth they will. Even if they grew up together. I like Lion's and have kept them, but they tend to not pick favorites. If they can eat it they will eat it, be it a piece of Krill or a Percula that they have grown large enough to eat.


But can i put my corals in the tank that i use to have the cooper in? And will they be ok? Becuase i Will put my clown in my 15 high because "GOLDIE" is my main Squezze we been together since day one you know? But can i transfer my corals as well?