post a pic of one of youre favourite fish


My favorite fish is my ONLY fish at the moment ^^ My clown

My favorit fish though is the emperor anglefish, cant have one of those in my tini 55 gall though.


Originally Posted by clown-keeper99 http://20#post_3418826
Thats a Fu manchu isnt it
Originally Posted by Kiefers
No...... blackfooted/bluefin lion fish.
We have a winner! The fish in question is indeed Parapterois heterura, AKA the blackfoot/bluefin lionfish.
These fish can sometimes be found for sale in the early spring, and they're great fish, but very touchy in terms of temp, water quality, and pretty much everything. They're a temperate fish that must, and I mean MUST be kept cool (we run ours at 63*F). Even then, most of the time, they only live a couple of months. They're very slow, picky eaters too. We've been fortunate enuff to have been able to keep one for over a year and counting, but that's a rarity from what we hear. Actually, according to Frank Marini, we've kept this fish the longest that he knows of.
It's kinda too bad, because they're really pretty little lions.
This is a fu, which has been an great fish for us once it was weaned, which took 3 months, altho both of us, esp. Renee is much better at weaning now (LOTS of practice):



The fu is also a fave, so I think we were ON topic, but if you say I said, I could flood the thread with "faves".