Post a pic of ur clownfishes!


My clown took off on me this morning as if to say
"I'm not posing for anymore pictures"
Usually they are front and center, competing for my attention.


Active Member
Me too! Me too! :jumping:
Dig my brand new babies - Froggy and Anette. Got 'em yesterday



Active Member

my trigger and puffer are in there too
i must have been feeding them
cant get very good pics lately..
il try to get you updated tonight


Active Member
thats a 40gal
i will need to def move the trigger and maybe the puffer in a few months when i upgrade
right now all my fish range from
2 1/2 inches: trigger and coral beauty
2 inches: one of the clowns and the puffer
1 1/2 inches: the other clown
1 inch: yellowtail damsel