Post a Pic of your largest fish!


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
Aprox. 32" long, female Hawaiian Dragon..

I also had a Volitan that pushing just over 15" and bigger than a basketball...

I have never seen anyone with a Hawaian Dragon eel! That is such a cool animal. What size tank is she in? Is it an easy eel to keep?


Originally Posted by watson3
Just tossed this guy in to shift the sand...

I have one of those two for the same reason.


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
haha an easy eel if you have 1200 bucks ot spend on it!!
lol. Do you have one too? Ya know they are ONLY $800 on this site.
How rare are they?


Active Member
i dont have one i have a brazilian dragon, which arent really dragons at all,, its not that hawaiins are rare as much as who wants to spend that much on an eel.. this is why you dont see many people with them .


Active Member
Do you know why they are so expensive? I mean if they arent that rare it doesnt make much sense.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Do you know why they are so expensive? I mean if they arent that rare it doesnt make much sense.
They're so expensive because only a certain number are imported, per year. Supply and gotta love it.
When I got mine, there wasn't too many people, on the forums, that had them...maybe a handful. Prices have dropped, in the past few years and people have been snatching them up. All pics that I've seen, the specimen doesn't look really healthy tho...maybe that's another reason they're selling cheaper.


Very nice squid !!! better watch out when its time to feed them.


a red devil huh? i got one of them too! or rather the school i go to has one, huge fish, always finds such odd places to shove itself. i go to bording school and lucky for me the head of the science wing has a weak spot for fish the school bought me a 200 gallon saltwater tank!