post all your clown


Originally Posted by mrdc
Thnaks for the info. I should also add that I have had the bigger one for 7+ months and the smaller one for maybe 2. I know they like to do the electric shake at each other all the time.
well the biggest on that u have had for 7 monthes IS a female. 7 monthes of being alone will change a clowns --- easy. its hard to say about your other clowns. did u get them from an lfs? were they smaller then the other clowns in the tank? have they shown aggresion towards the biggest one or each other? has the smallest one not shown agression at all?


Active Member
Originally Posted by NateP206
well the biggest on that u have had for 7 monthes IS a female. 7 monthes of being alone will change a clowns --- easy. its hard to say about your other clowns. did u get them from an lfs? were they smaller then the other clowns in the tank? have they shown aggresion towards the biggest one or each other? has the smallest one not shown agression at all?

I bought the smaller one becaus eit was suggested to me on these boards that I should get a smaller one to limit the aggression from the bigger one. When I floated the bad with the smaller one, I never seen the bigger one act so crazy! It attacked the bag big time. Anyway, once I added the smaller one, the big one immediately showed a lot of signs of aggression. The damsels tried to do it also but the bigger one would attack the damsels. So it was like the bigger one was protecting the smaller one and at the same time showing the smaller one who's boss. Now they are inseparable. They still show some signs of aggression towards each other witht he smaller one showing signs also. The smaller one is also very aggressive towards the damsels. All in all, they seem happy together.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sombra7740
great color, great personallity
My lfs has one thats light maroon like yours, is yours aggressive at all? i am afraid to get a maroon because i hear they are very aggressive, i have afe firefish I don't want haressed.


Active Member
These are nice shots everyone. Evanish I like your black and white effect on the one picture...looks cool. here's mine


Clownfish have got to be one of the hardest fish to photograph..they never stand still long enough to get a good shot..without blurr! Here are my little ones and a tag along.



Active Member
1st one is of my new clown in its frogspawn, kinda closeup, 2nd is my old clown just sorta hovering.
