Post Pics Of Do It Canopy


Well I am putting the final touches on it now but it's big. I used 2x1's and made a frame, put plywood on the sides. Puttied it up and sanded it so it is nice and smooth. Then I put trim on the top and bottom. For the front I cut out a piece of plywood, putty and sanded it, put trim on the top and bottom, and then put corner covers on it. Painted it all. I did mine kind of weird as far as attching it. I want it it be easily removable, which it will be but I realize now, it's not very easy for feeding. I put two heavy duty magnets on the bottom corners and "pinch" holders on the top corners. So basically the top will slide in and the bottom will be magnet held on. When I want to access it I just pop it off and put it on top. But for feeding it will suck cause the way the top is designed I can't put hinges on it. No worries but could be annoying after a while.


New Member
i am in the middle of building a canopy for my 75.i have several pictures of my progress taken with a cell phone camera.i think they are too large to post them here,but if you send me your e.mail adress i would be happy to mail them to you.i am doing a retro fit with two 175 14k halides and 400w of pc.


New Member
it's getting there.i still need to build a lid that opens and some kind of front door panels.that will be next.followed by more trim work,painting,staining and trying to wire everything that goes inside.



Not the best cell phone pic. this is an in progress pic while the front is being done. I also need to put an additional support on the back cross beam, you can see it is sagging. I have a hang on back overflow and pvc returns on either end of the tank so I had to make something raised so the canopy wouldn't sit directly on anything and kind of hosed the measurements for that back cross beam but oh well. I'll have pics of the front hopefully within 48 hours.


where did you get your reflector? i need one like that to mount my pc and mh's on. thanks oh and looks great so far i want to see finisjed product..... :jumping:


New Member
i got the reflector from hellolights online.excellent people to do business with.they mounted the mogul sockets and 8 pc clips on the reflector for me.i should have more pictures in a day or so.


New Member
the lid is finaly done.i decided to go with a slotted instead of a solid lid to help with heat mounts at the back of the canopy with a piano hinge.



OK, here it is. I did my idea of having it removable and now that it is done it's crap. I'm gonna go and get some hinges and just do it that way but here is my mostly finished product. The far side doesn't align very well and I'm highly disappointed with myself with how much time I spent on this and to have the canopy be off on the measurements pisses me off but it's extrememly minor and potenitally fixable but still pisses me off. this is a cell phone pic so keep that in mind. It doesn't show the detail well of the trim and how smooth I was able to make all the surfaces and attention to detail. The tank is 6 ft long and the stand altogether is about 6.5 feet high. There is a 29 gallon sump underneath and my light ballasts and a shelf that I keep all my test kits and stuff in.


Here is my new 55gal. The canopy is 49"x15"x17". It has two 175w hamilton pendants, and 4 120mm fans cooling it down. It stays very cool. No heat transfer whatsoever. Each fan puts out 105cfm on 12v.



The other 2 fans are on top blowing up torwards the ceiling. The ones on the side, one blows in, and the other blows out.