post pics of your 55 gallon tanks


New Member
Here's mine, im super new. This was my 55 gal I have since moved it to a 65 gal. I'll take more later.

Yes I know turn the lights off of aclimating but they were just hermis and turbos.

reef diver

Active Member
Im gonna buy some more rock this winter break. I need more places for coral lol, I am debating moving my aquascape around when I do, but I dont want my anemone to move.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by ci11337
WHO DEY, a PB tang in a 55...I hear the Tang Police...
wow this threads still around??? this thread was from almost a year ago and my pb is still alive and happy. cheers to the tang police!!
he's actually been in there for 2 years



Active Member
heres mine. not the best pic but at least the colors are half way right
and a lot of stuff had been added/ moved around since.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WHO DEY
nice tank wang tang. does this thread appear weird on ur screen?

and yeah i had to scroll all the way over

> here to find the reply box.


Active Member
heres a few more. i swear i post the same pics every time
i guess that means i need to take new pics huh? i got some cool new stuff like an orange monti and some really red zoos. but that will have to wait until later cuz my tank is going to bed soon.



Active Member
and there i was complaining about how i had to go all the way over ---> there to type a reply and look what i did. i made it even wider. sorry guys



Awesome tanks everyone. Its always interesting to see how others keep their tanks. I myself like the "dirty" natural look. Here ya go.
