------>post pics of your anenomes


Active Member
I dont have to have one. I just figure it'll add to the diversity. I already have some corals in my 60 gallon that I want to add to the new tank asap. so once my tank has cycled I gotta add about 8 pieces of corals and 6 fish to the tank at once.
I guess the anemone is out of question huh?
Are there any that wont move around?


The LTA's mostly stay on the substrate if that's clear... But a BTA (which is what mine is) cruised the tank til he planted himself smack dab in front of a PH pretty high in the tank.
Of you can find a healthy sebae, I think they also pretty much stay on the ground.
Or there are lots of corals that look like anemones, like those hairy mushrooms, torch corals, and others I cannot think of right now......


Active Member
eh screw it, I'll pass. I've tried to get into anemones, didn't work. I've kept sponges and gorgonians, and they didn't survive. I don't know what the deal is. I'll stick to corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AmandaL
Here are the black percs again. You can see that they have yellow on the pectoral fins and a bit at the front of the mouth. One of them is about 3" long and the other is a little over 2", and both are fat & happy. They'll steal food from anybody. I've even seen them battle one of our 3 mantis shrimp for a piece of krill. The only inhabitant I have seen them share with is the rose BTA (before it split). I actually watched the larger perc put a piece of krill in the anemone's mouth! How's that for symbiotic?
Edit: The faint white lines you see across the fish in the second pic are scratches on the tank glass. Those were taken in our old 40gal. We've since upgraded to a 75gal tank.
AmandaL...where did you get those black and whites??? are they pers or sebeas???
If it was online would you mind emailing me?


Originally Posted by ruaround
AmandaL...where did you get those black and whites??? are they percs or sebeas???
If it was online would you mind emailing me?

I was told they were percs, and to be honest, I don't know the difference. (I'm still a bit of a n0ob at a lot of this stuff.) I got them at my LFS. They had a whole tankful to choose from when we got these. They get a few in every now and then, but unfortunately they don't ship, and I've never seen them in another store. You're not the first person to ask where you could get their hands on them, tho.


Active Member
AmandaL...Thank you for your response...the reason why I ask if they are pers or sebeas is because if you look at the pic 37g Joe posted it has a perc shape, where as yours have the sebea or clarkii shape...I had a pair (RIP
long story) of the clowns you have and they were sold as sebeas...I cant remember where (what site)I got them from...


here mine red carpet hard to find my lfs did not what it had only pay 15 for it came in with a bunch of folida condes


Originally Posted by ruaround
AmandaL...Thank you for your response...the reason why I ask if they are pers or sebeas is because if you look at the pic 37g Joe posted it has a perc shape, where as yours have the sebea or clarkii shape...I had a pair (RIP
long story) of the clowns you have and they were sold as sebeas...I cant remember where (what site)I got them from...
Ok... I was determined to figure this out, so I've done some research. The clownfish I have are Amphiprion polymnus, without question. The common names of all the clownfish I viewed vary quite a bit. Everytime I found reference to the Amphiprion polymnus, it was called a True Black Percula Clownfish (common name Black Saddleback Clownfish), although I did see various others species and pictures refered to as Black Percula Clownfish from time to time. Amphiprion ocellaris is the black and white clownfish with no yellow whatsoever. Amphiprion clarkii and Amphiprion sebae both have the black and white bodies, yellow pectoral fins and yellow mouth, but also always have a yellow tail, which mine does not. The clarkii and sebae differ in that the clarkii has a higher profile body (rounder profile) while the sebae has a longer, leaner profile. Amphiprion percula is the orange and white (sometimes with black) clownfish that we are all used to.
Common names always cause problems within the hobby. I can't post any links, but I'm sure if you search specifically for Amphiprion polymnus, you will find what you're looking for. ;-)


New Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
AmandaL...where did you get those black and whites??? are they pers or sebeas???
If it was online would you mind emailing me?

Hey I know a site. If you want to know email me and I'll tell you.


Originally Posted by AmandaL
I just found this picture and couldn't resist throwing it in. There is a decent-sized empty clam shell on one piece of LR in the tank. One day, the rose BTA decided to squeeze itself inside. It stayed there for a few hours and then came out again.

HOW COOL IS THAT!! :happyfish