Post Pics Of Your Clownfish

don lino

Shane, what is up man???? Where have u been bro??? What monster are u talking about??? Gimme a call when u can...


New Member
Originally Posted by clyde:)
whats a btw??????and airic whats your gold band maroon in if its not an anemone????

that GS maroon wasn't mine i quoted the guys post right after my post of my maroon


New Member
my new anemone got it about 3 weeks ago my clown loves it he never leaves it except to eat he'll grab the food and bring it to the anemone and feed it pretty cool!!



Active Member
For some reason my daughter calls him Ernie. Being orange and having stripes like a shirt reminds her of the Sesame Street character I guess. Any who hes cool none the less.

koi lady

These are my clowns, Black Saddlebacks. The big one is the older female and the little one is a juvenile male. They have a lot of personality. The female is definately the boss.



Member are mine (gold strip maroon and maroon, and then my false perc).
The pics aren't very good...only had my camera phone to use.



Originally Posted by Koi Lady
These are my clowns, Black Saddlebacks. The big one is the older female and the little one is a juvenile male. They have a lot of personality. The female is definately the boss.

If you still have these clowns I hope you do realize that they are different species. Top left pic is an A. polymnus, and top right pic is an A. allardi.