post pics of your fav thing in your tank


Active Member
I have 2 in my tank, that one is the biggest. I have seen a few hermit remains here and there but nothing on a large scale I have had the zebras for about 5 months now. The blue legged hermits in the front have been some of the first ones I put in my tank over a year ago. But thats not to say it hasent happened, I just havent seen it, yet. LOL. They are bulldozers though, crashing through anything in their way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
I have 2 in my tank, that one is the biggest. I have seen a few hermit remains here and there but nothing on a large scale I have had the zebras for about 5 months now. The blue legged hermits in the front have been some of the first ones I put in my tank over a year ago. But thats not to say it hasent happened, I just havent seen it, yet. LOL. They are bulldozers though, crashing through anything in their way.
I have half a dozen and they will try to pull one another out of their shells, knock each other off rocks with their enormous left claw, drag each other across the tank, and (as you said) have no respect for coral. They seem to leave my scarlets alone for the most part, but will occasionally pick on my striped-legs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
I have half a dozen and they will try to pull one another out of their shells, knock each other off rocks with their enormous left claw, drag each other across the tank, and (as you said) have no respect for coral. They seem to leave my scarlets alone for the most part, but will occasionally pick on my striped-legs.

LOL I had a blue leg hermit a while back that was exactly like that... he was twice the size of the zebra in my pic, and he terrorized every thing. Needless to say he resides back at my LFS from once it came.