Post pics of your favorite LPS coral


heart & sole

Lets see those pics of your favorite LPS coral you have in your tank or would like to have in your tank.
Here's mine
My yellow and neon green maze brain

My 16 polyp duncan

heart & sole

Nice acans IBEW41 and love that sun coral Coral Keeper.
Keep the pics comin..


Active Member
05xrunner - do you happen to have the names of your acans?? I am interested in a couple of them for my tank!!! - If you are interested in fragging them, PM me


Active Member
sorry none really have names. I buy them all from a LFS and they are just in the tank no names.
Except the very last one is listed on one Website for sale called an Omen Acan and they list it at $250 a head...LOL
I am not going to be fragging anything till they are big enough that it needs to be done to keep from over growing.