Post pics of your other household animals! (no fish)


Active Member
heres the pick of my turtles. the biggest is named piinky for some reason? and the small one is twiinky i have only 2 now because my friend wanted one so i gave that to him and the other one pasted away because it was sick and didnt eat.
twiinky trying to be superman or should i say super turtle

here is piinky


I have posted these before... Here they are again.
1. Dave (a really fat cat) 2. Zeus, Staffordshire Bull Terrier/Red Nose Pit mix 3. Jack, yep a Jack Russell Terrier


KimC, just FYI, a dog cannot be "part rednose", because "red nose" is a description of a dog's nose color, not a "type". That dog obviously has a black or dark blue nose. It's like having a black dog and saying he's part brindle. If he doesn't have stripes, he's not brindle. It's really simple, but there is so much misunderstanding about these dogs, no one knows WHAT to beleive. I know you're probably going to tell me one of the dog's parents had a red nose, but it still doesn't matter,'s not a type - just a color.
I'm not trying to be rude in any way, just educating.


KimC, just FYI, a dog cannot be "part rednose", because "red nose" is a description of a dog's nose color, not a "type". That dog obviously has a black or dark blue nose. It's like having a black dog and saying he's part brindle. If he doesn't have stripes, he's not brindle. It's really simple, but there is so much misunderstanding about these dogs, no one knows WHAT to beleive. I know you're probably going to tell me one of the dog's parents had a red nose, but it still doesn't matter,'s not a type - just a color.
I'm not trying to be rude in any way, just educating.
Here: Colors in Pit Bulls
Make sure and read the bottom of the page.


Well, All I know is that the mother is full Staffordshire Bull Terrier and the father is full Pit with a red nose... hows that??? I saw both parents on premises when we picked him out. Zeus does favor the Staffordshire but has the agility of a pit. No offense taken


I figured one of the parents had a red nose- a dog can have a red mom and a black dad, but it's never considered a "half red/half black" dog. The puppies are what they are. If they come out purple, then great, they are purple. hehe

Did you check out the page I linked for you? I just added another color, red nosed red brindle. This pup came out of a litter of mine. I bred the two pit bulls together that I posted on this page, and that's how she turned out. Now, since both her parents have black noses, that's real confusing to some people! It's just that simple- these are all colors, nothing more.


This is nice little snake OZZY and his friend. Ozzy is the smaller one.



Gamedawg, Yes I did look at the website. The Rednosed Red is exactly what the father looked like. Thanks again.


Originally Posted by sweetdawn
casper is so cute but what happened to the cat

my cat, harvey, decided to take a ride under the hood in my moms van. he rode all the way to work with her and was lucky to be alive. he broke his front two legs and had to wear those braces for a while
he is much better now tho