Post pics of your other household animals! (no fish)


I LOVE ferrets! I had a "blue eyed white" and luckily I didn't pay for him, he was a gift. He was about $60 more than the other colors, I guess they are a rare color. One day I want another, but my husband says I have to wait until we are in a bigger house.

I had mine growing up iwth a cat, and they loved to play. The cat wat black, so when they chased each other, you7'd see blurrs of black...white then It was hilarious!


Here's my ferret and my cat. Cisco wa sthe ferret, Roscoe was the cat. That cat got to be huge! I never fixed him, but also never let him outside, and he got to be massive.



Yeah whats the small one? .My cuz has a Red Tail Boa but not to long ago it got hurt bad. What happend was is that its tail was on the heating pad to long and burned it bad so now if you try to pick it up you'll be in a death grip " atleast 4ft long". And one of my friends "lfs" has a 6ft Red Tail Boa


New Member
Hahaha no its not a rattler, but sometimes he thinks he is. He's a baby western hognose with the attitude of a cobra. =b


Oh hay Soma how long is the the bigger of the two boa's.
My Ozzy is 2 1/2ft and growing.


Active Member
Carshark, dear....that was uncalled for. :mad:
Jeffrey - those pitts have the most perfectly shaped ears I've ever seen. How utterly ADORABLE!! They look like they're in the military...all buffed up and standing at perfect attention :joy:


New Member
Thank vet did a wonderful job. Only one missing from that shot is my female...the chocolate ones mom....
Lots of training to get the 3 boys sitting together... :scared:


Active Member
Heres a pic of my dog Buddy. Please pray for the lil guy, he's been sick lately and we think some freak poisoned him.


Active Member
Mudplayer...u got an address?....I know some people can take care of that for ya....

But seriously, I'm rooting for your little guy - he's adorable. Have you found out what he ingested? Depending on your location, dialysis might be an option. It's relatively new for dogs, I think only 4 places in the country do it right now - and it's quite pricey, but deals can always be made.
I know for a fact that they do it at the University of Pennsylvania (I was present for a treatment a few months ago). Dogs that would be dead of anti-freeze poisoning are alive and wagging their tails today b/c of that.
There are, of course, less drastic options. Have you tried the ASPCA poison control network? The calls are expensive, but their website has a lot of great info.
I wish you the very best of luck...let us know how he does!


Active Member
Buddy has just been waking me up every morning for the last week or so to let him out to puke and poop. He used to be overweight and now hes about normal, so he has definately lost weight. We haven't taken him to the vet yet because he is very active during the day, plus he didn't puke this morning. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping he just had a stomach bug. Thanks for your concern and input :)
ps- everyones' animals are very cute! It just goes to show you that marine fish keepers are good, loving people :)