Post Pix of Dwarf Angels!


Active Member
wow, Fishmamma - that's REALLY nice cherub! the ones in the lfss around here don't have colors nearly that striking.
Hot - I didnt even think of a bi-color.... VERY nice fish!!!!

jonny bolt

HI. Here is my Atlantic Pygmy. Got it around April/May of '05. It's the only fish that still doesnt have a name!....



Active Member
oooooooooooh, very pretty!! And there's that sexaay little Valentini again.
I'd say call the Angel Marilyn, so that mob-boss italian puffer of yours keeps his hands to himself


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
Hey Mimzy, where are your angels??????

don't have any

that's y I wanted to live vicariously thru your pix!! :joy:

jonny bolt

Originally Posted by milomlo
how big does your tank have to be to have a coral beauty or an angel like fishmamma?
30 gallons
Some nice LR is best too, cuz these fish graze pretty much all day.
If you can find a Bluefin Angel, get it. They are pretty rare...I only know of one online company that gets em every now and then.
Thanks Mimzy
I think I will name it Marilyn lol. Not sure of its ---, but I always considered my Pygmy a girl lol....she doesnt like anyone, especially my Decorated Goby, going in certain parts of the rockwork. She's a little



Active Member
Well are these active fish or do they hide alot. I am thinking of 1 more fish, but I want it to be active.
Is it nice or mean?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
boalgf - three together?? do they pick on one another? how big is your tank?
...that lemonpeel is GORGEOUS...I just love them. they're my favs so far. how long have u had it?
NM, fabulous photos as usual

Fedukeford, your coral beauty ... is a beauty

, he/she has survived ich off and on for the first 2 months i had he/she, i just fed garlic


Active Member
Originally Posted by milomlo
Well are these active fish or do they hide alot. I am thinking of 1 more fish, but I want it to be active.
Is it nice or mean?
i see that you have a 29gallon tank - is this the tank that the angel would be going in to? What is your current stocklist for this tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
i see that you have a 29gallon tank - is this the tank that the angel would be going in to? What is your current stocklist for this tank?
Yes if it is not to small.
I have
2 clowns
1 blenny
2 firefish
2 cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
large clean up crew
1 leather coral
1 bubble coral
1 hairy mushroom
1 feather duster
All my water parameters are fine except my phosphates are high from overfeeding and my calcium is high due to salt. I do not dose anything.
I have lots of room in my tank. The only fish that really swim around are my fire fish. They stay in the front and my clowns stay in a back corner where they have been since I put them in the tank. My blenny stays in his hole until feeding time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by milomlo
Yes if it is not to small.
I have
2 clowns
1 blenny
2 firefish
2 cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
large clean up crew
1 leather coral
1 bubble coral
1 hairy mushroom
1 feather duster
All my water parameters are fine except my phosphates are high from overfeeding and my calcium is high due to salt. I do not dose anything.
I have lots of room in my tank. The only fish that really swim around are my fire fish. They stay in the front and my clowns stay in a back corner where they have been since I put them in the tank. My blenny stays in his hole until feeding time.
hhhm... well, when a minimum tank size is given for a fish, it's usually the absolute minimum for survival - meaning, it's really not the ideal size for the fish.
Personally, if the angel were to be the only fish in the 29, i wouldnt be too against it, but your stocklist is already pretty hefty. The general rule is 2inches of fish per 10 gallons of water - and that's not even taking into account fish with special needs; such as tangs, which require 4 feet of swimming room.
So I'd have to say.... I really don't think a dwarf angel would be safe in your current tank. ...but you could always get a second tank just for angels!! :joy:

jonny bolt

Ya, I think Mimzy might be right. You have alot of life in the 29. Ever think of moving up to a 38 or 55? They can had for cheap in the Want-Advertiser and stuff like that.
Angels are very active. My Pygmy Angel is constantly swimming, and always grazing on the rock and the glass for eats. Angels, especially the Atlantic Pygmy can be aggressive little buggers, and very intolerant. For instance, my Angel was the 3rd fish I had put into my tank, behind Doink my Maroon Clown and Bailey Kane my Decorated Goby, and I can tell you that the Angel took full control over most of the rockwork after being acclimated. They love to swim through everything, and I have lots of Tonga Branch, so it makes for even more "paths" that Angel will find, use, and take control over. I sometimes see my my Angel swimming sideways at my Goby if it is trying to get in one of the openings to the many caves, etc. It definitely takes control, but wont get violent unless it sees a fish that is similar (but mated pairs can had). I also tried to introduce a 6 Line Wrasse, a fish I had wanted from the start but couldnt find. After it being on hold at the LFS for a week, I took it home, and acclimated it. Immediately upon hitting the open water and going near the rock, my Angel came out of nowhere and blasted it almost out of the water. It was not going to have the Wrasse go into the rocks, it just was not going to have it. The Angel pushed at the Wrasse every time it got near any part of the rockwork, and eventually pushed it up top near the heater. The Wrasse was so stressed and scared to move, it only lasted a day. Thats what I mean when I say it wont get mean unless it sees a fish that is similar. It doesnt bother my Valentini or Clown etc. I hope this info/experience helps you in some way.
Other than the fact that it can become "BOSSY", it is a great fish, and one of the most active your going to find. And they also have some of the best colors around


Active Member
Yes I very much want to upgrade. It will be a while though. I will not get an angel until I get a bigger tank. Then I will make sure it is the last fish I add, just in case it wants to be "BOSSY" LOL
I know my blenny gets a little irritated at my firefish when they come near his hole. He chases them away - even during feedings. He is a bugger himself. Thanks for the replies all!!


How well do this little angels do in reef tanks? Do they bother your leathers/polyps/mushrooms/zoos at all?
I am really having a hard time deciding my next fish for my new 250 gallon reef.
I would love to put 2 or maybe 3 dwarf angels in, but I am afraid they will pick on my softies as most websites say they do.