Hi Steve Weast,
I checked out your web site a few weeks ago. Very impressive!
I don't know if most folks here have ever seen your site but your aquarium is on a very different level from most hobbiest, myself included. How did you get started? Do you have any background in marine biology or are you just a very obsessed hobbiest!?
I am in the planning stages now for a 280 gal, 72x30x30. Any advice for larger scale tanks?
Great tank, post some new photos if you have any.
I checked out your web site a few weeks ago. Very impressive!
I don't know if most folks here have ever seen your site but your aquarium is on a very different level from most hobbiest, myself included. How did you get started? Do you have any background in marine biology or are you just a very obsessed hobbiest!?
I am in the planning stages now for a 280 gal, 72x30x30. Any advice for larger scale tanks?
Great tank, post some new photos if you have any.