Tank 1: 100g FOWLR with 140#fiji, 20# marshall island, 30# tonga branch, 30-40# base rock,, 6" aragonite DSB.....houses a clean up crew of scarlet hermits, reef hermits, various snails, 2 emerald crabs and a sally lightfoot....sixline wrasse, royal gramma, saddle blenny, green chromis, foxface, flame angel, 2 percula clowns
Tank 2: 75g FOWLR with 140# Fiji, 6" aragonite DSB with a standard clean upcrew....coral beauty, fourline wrasse, arc eye hawk, magnificent rabbitfish
Tank 3: 75g FOWLR with 130# Fiji, 30-40# base rock, 6" aragonite DSB and a small clean up crew but no fish yet...still deciding what to add but have decided to convert this to a reef.
Tank 4: 75g with 175# fiji and 50 #Lalo with a clean up crew to keep things clean. The tank simply houses my LR until I can start the 400g I bought but can't use yet. It will eventuallu become a semi-aggressive in a year once my new home is built.
Tank 5: 46g FOWLR with 50# Lalo, 50# tonga deep water and a 6" DSB.....hermits, snails, emerald crab.....blue hamlet and a falco hawk