Post Snowflake Eel Pics Here!


How did yuou guys get yours to start eating??
I know mine eats But He never eats when it's time.
He runs away from the food.


I have good luck feeding mine scallops, shrimp, krill, silversides, occassionally ostyers. He will come searching for krill, and shrimp though.


I feed him clams, krill, mysis shrimp,squidd, and silverslides
the only one I have ever seen him eat though is the mysis shrimp and a little squidd.
He refuses to eat of a feeding stick is that normal.
I am worried he is getting food but not getting enough.
It is a 55 gallon with humu picasso and a Niger trigger with 2 domino damsels in it.
I think the triggers eat the food before the slow eel gets a chance to see it.
thats why I am concerned about him not eating off a feeding stick.


try going to the grocery store and picking up some raw shrimp thats what my sfe loves the most. Let it thaw out and wash it off well. Cut off a little piece and put it on a feeding stick. You may have to use antoher stick, (I use a large wooden spoon) to keep the other fish in the tank away. Put the shrimp near the eel. They will usually come out and explore the food for a little bit then grab hold and eat it. When you feed an eel you dont have to be careful with the amount like with fish. Keep feeding him until he refuses to eat anymore. They know when theyve had enough. You can feed him everyday or every couple days. Eels will sometimes refuse to eat for a couple days no big deal he will eventually when he hungry. Hope this helps. If you are still having problems post a thread in the aggressive fish column. Theres some people in there that really know a lot about eels.


Thx for your help ryan and everyone else.
I tried the shrimp idea and it worked like a chram.
Thx everybody


Do all snowflakes have a white tipped head?
i've got one that I think is a snowflake, it is dark greenish with the patterns that look familiar to a snowflake, however, he doesnt have much yellow or black and his head is not white.