Post those nano reef pics!!!!!


:joy: I have to tell you as soon as I walked into the LFS that specializes in saltwater fish.. I was hooked!!
No pun intended....... I have had my 72 gallon bow for about 2 years, and am contemplating a species only for seahorse or octopus, or a nano...I know how demanding nanos can be and would love to see some pics.//so share em if ya gottem.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by nanocuber7
this is mine

What is that coralin the top left corner of your tank?


Hey key. can you list some of the items in your tank please!! It looks AWESOME.. is that yellow coral leather or what.....

Pete, that is absolutely incredible!!! I love the simplicity, but very intriguing look of that tank!!!
By the way, what is that you are using for the substrate??? I like it


there is a nice super green zoo cluster and a smaller super red polyps,,yellow leather, hairy mushrooms red mushrooms, green open brain, xenia, and star polyps, purplr dottieback, blue damsel, tiny moroon clown


thanks alot. the substrate i use i think is made by red not sure i picked it up at my LFS days ago and cant remember the brand. its interesting because each grain is one tiny sphere and looks really good up close.


Originally Posted by bigpete
thanks alot. the substrate i use i think is made by red not sure i picked it up at my LFS days ago and cant remember the brand. its interesting because each grain is one tiny sphere and looks really good up close.
I think that is what i want to get... i think what i'm trying to get is Red Sea Reef Base, if that is what you have it is awesome...I've only seen it in person in 1 other tank!!!!


Originally Posted by Littleliza
this is a pic from November, for the most part everything has been growing nicely since then.
soooooooooooooooooooooo nice