post those pics of tangs


Originally Posted by clown123
looks like mr.yellow tang there is getting beat up?
No, it is Lateral Line Disease caused by stress and improper diet. The previous owner did not feed him veggies. He is getting better and he actually looks much better in person than in the pic.


Originally Posted by clown123
o thats good to here bc once hes cured looks like it would be a beautiful tang.
He has gotten so much better since I got him. He used to hide all day (even with the old owner) and now he swims freely. I am giving a varied diet including lots of seaweed and broccoli.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Dxtr, I think your YT is really a scopas....

This is a Scopas...even as juvenile, they're half and half colored. Sorry for the small pic...this is a pic of my old one, shot with really bad camera, before I was good at resizing pics.


Dxtr, I think your YT is really a scopas....

Really?? why? he is about 4-6 months old I would guess and was in a 125 gallon at the LFS w/ about 5 other yellow tangs...Interesting, i'll have to look up Scopas now to see what you mean... :notsure:


Active Member

Originally Posted by Dexter
Dxtr, I think your YT is really a scopas....

Really?? why? he is about 4-6 months old I would guess and was in a 125 gallon at the LFS w/ about 5 other yellow tangs...Interesting, i'll have to look up Scopas now to see what you mean... :notsure:
Just because of the veritcal BARS, Ive never seen a yellow with those kind of vertical lines and the eyes look different.
This is from Bob Fenner saying that scopas can look bright yellow like a YT.
I could be wrong.
""Zebrasoma scopas (Cuvier 1829), the Brown or better, Two-Tone Sailfin Tang. The former common name can be a bit of a misnomer; I have seen scopas specimens as brightly yellow as a flavescens and as dark as a rostratum. As young they're different still, with light colored fronts grading to dark variable spots and lines. Occasional "dirty" or mixed-color crosses between the brown and Z. flavescens are encountered along their contiguous distributions.""


Active Member
Dxtr. Im might be wrong, searched a little more and the same site said this is a 1 inch YT. From your pic, yours cant be much bigger.
I think I was wrong...sorry.


I see what you are saying now about the Vertical lines - :thinking:
Thanks for the close up pic NM -

My YT (or scopas) is about 1.5" close to 2" long....hummmmm....