Post you Blasto's!


Active Member
the cheapest i have found for that color (some are much more expensive) are 35 bucks a polyp!!!
oh, and PS:Notice how they are "micro"musa. They are TINY!


Active Member
i've seen some red micromussa, i think there were at least 6 or so heads, and it was for $70 or so....i remember VIPER telling me it was an ok deal, but could come down some


Active Member
Yes you are right! Micromussa! I asked him what the most expensive coral was in his tank and yep, those are it. He won't budge off any of them. He said that he started with around 8 heads about 2 years ago and said that he has gotten a $400 offer on them. Not sure if that is a great price or not but he will not let them go.
WOW, I just looked at a frag place online and the people there are selling them for $50+ a polyp. One was $200 a polyp!


Can anyone tell me what the caring requirements are? What to feed, low light but moderate current? or low current?


Active Member
fomr what i have observed with mine, they like moderate light and moderate current. you can feed anything meaty. zoo plankton or chopped up krill or silversides. and they grow a heck of a lot faster if you feed them


Originally Posted by fishieness
fomr what i have observed with mine, they like moderate light and moderate current. you can feed anything meaty. zoo plankton or chopped up krill or silversides. and they grow a heck of a lot faster if you feed them

Thanks for the info. Is 3 watts per gallon that is in a JBJ 24gal nano cube enough lighting? It is placed in the middle of the tank. That tank has 72watts of 50/50 PC lighting.


Active Member
that hsould be enough. id keep them in the upper half if i were you thought jsut to be on the safe side. if you spend a bunch of money on a coral, you dont want it to die. lol


Originally Posted by fishieness
that hsould be enough. id keep them in the upper half if i were you thought jsut to be on the safe side. if you spend a bunch of money on a coral, you dont want it to die. lol

I agree with you. It is near the middle/upper half of that 24gal tank. How do these reproduce? Do they split like mushrooms do or do they grow a skeleton first? I noticed some white stuff inbetween the blastos that has been growing on the rock, and they were soft and it has grown in that spot. I dont know if its dying tissue or not. During the day the blastos get big and covers this white mushy spot but at night, when the blastos get small you can see the white stuff thats on the rock inbetween the 3 blastos. Any advice from you would be appreciated.


Active Member
blastomussa welsi will encrust while makeing a skeleton. each section skeleton has a new polyp much like a favia brain coral. blastomussa merletti forms new heads much like a branching frogspawn.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lbaskball
I agree with you. It is near the middle/upper half of that 24gal tank. How do these reproduce? Do they split like mushrooms do or do they grow a skeleton first? I noticed some white stuff inbetween the blastos that has been growing on the rock, and they were soft and it has grown in that spot. I dont know if its dying tissue or not. During the day the blastos get big and covers this white mushy spot but at night, when the blastos get small you can see the white stuff thats on the rock inbetween the 3 blastos. Any advice from you would be appreciated.

The white stuff can be a sponge that is growing on the rock.


Originally Posted by Crox
The white stuff can be a sponge that is growing on the rock.
I will try to get a picture soon of it. Doesnt look like a sponge though.