Post your 10 gallon tanks here!


New Member
Just do a search on the net for the 12,000K SunBurst and you will find several vendors as well as as posts and pics of others using these bulbs.
To narrow things down type in +12,000K +SunBurst when searching. The + in front of your search helps finding pages with just the items you are searching for. Hope it helps.


Active Member
Are those Wal-Mart special tanks drillable? I've heard a couple people mention them now, and it's sounding tempting for a refugium. (Was going to go rubbermaid, but for less than twice the price, I'd rather put it on display.)


i got the surface skimmer at a local LFS, but i've seen them at several places online, i think it was like $10 or something like that. It is probably the best $10 i've spent in the whole tank. It immediately removed the layer of sludge that was on the top and it has never come back.


I think the bottoms of most 10's are tempered. I think you can drill the sides fairly easily. I know of people practicing on these tanks before they try to drill their large tanks.
I have ordered an Aqualine 10K for my tank, we'll see what that looks like.
Great tanks!


I was wondering if any of yall are using a sump/refugium with your 10g tanks. I am setting up a 10g with a 20L sump/refugium and was wondering what size intake and return pipes you were using? And even what size pump. I was looking at 3/4" pipping with my 200gph pump.


I have a 12" HOB. It's just big enough to get some equipment out of the tank & add a couple of gallons capacity.


The only thing I use on a regular basis is kalk. All top off water is 1 tsp. kalk per gallon. I have begun increasing this due to the addition of some monti caps and digis. You can almost watch the digis grow! They've grown about 3/4" this month (first month).
As far as maintainence, I do 2 half gallon water changes per week. My 10 is heavily skimmed though, without this I would do more changes.



Originally posted by mjsdas
i got the surface skimmer at a local LFS, but i've seen them at several places online, i think it was like $10 or something like that. It is probably the best $10 i've spent in the whole tank. It immediately removed the layer of sludge that was on the top and it has never come back.

do you know what the skimmer is called?