post your brittle stars


Active Member
I am wanting to get one of these guys real soon. I would love to see some pictures of the brittles stars everyone has. Can you post some pictures please.
:jumping: :happyfish :jumping: :happyfish


it is not a brittle star but this is a basket star. The second pic is an old pic of when I had a brittle star but he got to big for my tank. The rest of the pics are of the brittle star.



Active Member
Thanks for the reply and pictures, is that a green brittle starfish??
Would you recommend one for a tank just to have one or do they just exists and hide all the time??
I would get the dark colored ones, not the green.

mr. guitar

I've never seen a Basket Starfish in anyone's aquarium!!!!!! That's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! How long have you had it?


Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
I've never seen a Basket Starfish in anyone's aquarium!!!!!! That's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! How long have you had it?
a few months now no problems yet.


Originally Posted by Debbie
Thanks for the reply and pictures, is that a green brittle starfish??
Would you recommend one for a tank just to have one or do they just exists and hide all the time??
I would get the dark colored ones, not the green.

The second pic is of a brittle star the other pics are of a basket star. I personally would never get another green brittle star. they grow to fast they get to big and will eat anything it can catch. on the good side of them the are a great scavenger and will keep sick fish out of your tank. The basket star never hides and is quite a show peice when he strechs out. But this is OMO. PS the brittlestars do hide alot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squishy
it is not a brittle star but this is a basket star. The second pic is an old pic of when I had a brittle star but he got to big for my tank. The rest of the pics are of the brittle star.

Not a basket star either...a sea lily or feather star. How long did you keep it? Most don't last long at all. I never recommend them :(


Active Member
Originally Posted by JohnyQuest
This is godzilla. He is as big as a man hole cover.
Good grief he looks like an Octopus :scared:


Originally Posted by ophiura
Not a basket star either...a sea lily or feather star. How long did you keep it? Most don't last long at all. I never recommend them :(
Opps. now I know what it is. Thanks. I have had the little guy for a little while and no probs yet (fingers crossed). Hope he continues to do well in my tank. I will be sure not to recommend them.


I read some where that they are a threat to small fish, and clean up crews. I've been wanting on for a while, but have been hesitant because i appreciate my little friends.


Active Member
They are a known predator in the wild, so yes, this is a risk. It is also a risk with keeping various types of shrimp, crabs, etc that also pose a threat to occupants in a reef tank but are commonly added.
There are thousands of species of brittlestars and several dozen in the hobby. They are all a certain threat to other animals, but none moreso than green brittlestars. I wouldn't keep them if you are so concerned about losing anything, but then, if you want some semblance of a natural system...this is what happens in the real world. Personally I consider brittlestars a natural, interesting and cool tank inhabitant.