post your eel pics


I'll post my tesselata eel pic here as soon as i can snap a new pic, he's loafing at the moment


I was told it might be white eyed. or a yellow fin moray?
The LFS store I bought it from said yellowfin or yellowhead, I can't remember.
I've never seen one of him so I thought it would be a good deal. I like having things not too many people have.
But I could use some help in identifying, I'd like to research him a bit more.
He eats like no other (more then the zebra moray). He is the reason I'm having to get another tank to move him into. I need to get some cleaner shimp and pepermint shimp, and would liek to turn my 120G more into a reef (which wasnt my original plan).
Anyway... Any help in identifying him would be great!


Active Member
According my Reef Fishes Vol. 1 (Scott W. Michael), yours is a White-eye Moray (siderea thyrsoidea or (SYN.) siderea prosopeion). Curiously, the entry mentions that it hangs out with Zebra Morays! Max size is 25.6 inches, with most animals reaching about 15 inches. The only moray with white eyes..."not regularly seen in the aquarium trade" (Reef Fishes, Vol. 1) Considered a good eel specimen for home aquaria.
Check it out on, too...and see what you find. But yours looks EXACTLY like the picture in my book:)
BTW, also according to my book, Yellowheads are very different from White Eyes. Yellowheads are NOT considered good eels for home tanks because they get extremely aggressive.
Hurry and get your Tesselata posted...I gotta see it! Mine's up a few posts :) Is yours the juvie eel from another thread I remember?
Hey, your pic still hasn't posted! We're all dying to see your Green Moray!


polarpooch :
Thanks for the great info and help in the identifing of my friend. I will for sure start investigating him....
He is a very agreesive eel towards anything that moves or gets put into the tank especially shrimp and fingers. However he co-exists with the other tank inhabitants and is somewhat otherwised settled in. (when comparing to the zebra)
He is also very active likes to swim around the tank in and out of the rocks and "free-style" as well.
I've had him for about a yr now, one of the first tank inhabitants I had. I got him when he was 5-7"" and right now he is about 15-18"
Thanks again!!


Active Member
Scott (Farlow):
My book says White Eyes CANNOT be trusted with shrimp--so it looks like he's behaving "normally" should find this book at your LFS and look through the eel section:) It's hard to find a lot of info in one place on several different kinds of morays--this one does a fairly nice job of it.
I'll tell you, yours is a really, REALLY cool-looking eel! I'm a little jealous!
Good times with your eels!


i'm sorry i haven't posted it yet didn't get a new good pic and also just took the firewall last night to .net server so things where nuts till 10pm wrong time to do something like that but oh well i'll post them tonight......


Active Member
I clicked on your have nice tanks. Nice looking forward to you posting other pics of him. Do you really have 7 tanks (that's what it looks like on your site)!? Or did you convert some to other setups? What size tank is your ray in?
Lots of questions:)
Jacksonpt: nice looking banded are they to keep?